

篇名 教學設計視域:大學教學模式的侷限與走向
並列篇名 Limitations of Instructional Models in Higher Education
作者 鍾志賢
中文摘要 本文以教学模式的基本构成要素作为考察思维框架,在教学设计视域的观照下,认为当前大学教学模式主要存在十大局限:即客观主义倾向的教学理念、低阶能力的培养目标、种知轻行的价值取向、”权威─依存”的师生关系、方法滞后的信息技术应用、单一化的教学组织形成和方法、程序化的教学设计、机械接受为主的学习方式、标准化的培养方式,以及背离学习者发展的教学评价。针对上述局限,作者进而论述了目前国内外大学教学模式改革的十大走向:即建构主义的教学理念、高阶能力的培养目标、知行合一的价值取向、双主体和互动对话的师生关系、建构主义的技术应用观、多样化的教学组织形式和方法、弹性、灵活、递归的教学设计、创新性的学习方式、个性化的培养方式,以及促进学习者发展的教学评价。
英文摘要 Based on the basic components of instructional model in higher education, this paper examines the limitations of current instructional models. It is argued that there are ten limitations in the current models. These include: objectivism, lower-order abilities, focusing on knowledge and neglecting doing, insufficient use of IT, simplification of teaching/learning organization and method, conventionality of instructional design, mechanic receptive learning, standardized educational pattern/mode, and the problems in the evaluation. In view of the limitations of current instructional model of higher education, this paper indicates the ten trends of instructional model reform in higher education based on the basic components of this model. The ten trends are: constructivist learning theory, higher-order abilities, combining knowledge and doing, double subjectivity and interactive relationship, application of IT technology based on constructivism, varieties of instructional organization and methods, flexible and recursive instructional design, creative learning, individualized educational modes, and modern evaluation methods.
頁次 34-45
關鍵詞 reform trends instructional model limitation instructional model higher education 走向 侷限 教學模式 大學 CSSCI
卷期 13:2
日期 200704
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學