

篇名 高中生文學創造力相關因素測量指標之建構
並列篇名 Constructing Indicators Related to Relevant Factors of Literary Creativity for Senior High School Students
作者 饒達欽 、黃秀玉 、張中一 、許碧珊 、簡明忠 、吳明雄 、陳建宏
中文摘要 本研究目的在建構文學創造力相關因素測量指標,以作為培育高中學生文學創造力之參考。本研究對象為五位獲得全國文學競賽優勝之高中生,經開放式問卷調查結果歸納文學創造力相關因素測量指標,獲得六個構面分別為:人格特質面、環境面、學習面、能力面、思考歷程面及作品面。經由兩個群組專家(高中教師專家及學者專家)進行精釋研究,最後建構56項文學創造力相關因素測量指標,肯德爾和諧係數檢定結果,兩群組專家評定指標重要性之一致程度相當高。研究發現,文學創造力以能力面之重要指標項目最多,其次為人格特質面指標,再其次為思考歷程面指標。
英文摘要 The aim of this study was to construct a series of indicators, derived from factors directly associated with literary creativity, as guidelines for cultivating the literary creativity of senior high school students. Based on the open-ended questionnaire survey of five winners of the National Literary Contest, six key “literary creativity” factors were proposed: (1) Personality, (2) Environment, (3) Learning, (4) Ability, (5) Thinking Process, and (6) Works. Two groups of experts, one comprised of high school teachers and the other of scholars, evaluated these factors by means of a Hermeneutic research method in order to construct 56 indicators of literary creativity. The Kendall’s coefficient of concordance test was conducted to determine the importance of all 56 indicators for both groups and the results showed consistency. This study also found that most of the indicators fell into the category of Ability, followed by Personality and Thinking Process in that order.
頁次 119-158
關鍵詞 文學創造力 senior high school indicator factor literary creativity 高中 指標 因素 TSSCI
卷期 32
日期 200906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系