

篇名 扩招时期高等教育机会的地区差异研究
並列篇名 Examination of Regional Disparities of Higher Education Opportunity during the Rapid Expansion Period
作者 刘精明
中文摘要 本文在较充分的数据采集基础上,通过构建高等教育毛录取率指针,并利用泰尔指数及基尼系数,分析和评价了扩招以来我国高等教育机会的省际差异与地区差异的变化过程。实证结果表明,随着高等教育机会总量的扩大,省际之间总体性不平等程度明显下降,但个别省份之间的两极分化也在加剧。对此,作者从高等教育非均衡发展的综合均衡约束的角度进行了一定的分析和解释,并提出了一些解决区域差异问题的政策建设。
英文摘要 Based on the historical data of higher education matriculation collected from the provincial newspapers, this article analyzes and evaluates the changing processes of the provincial and regional differences in the higher education in 1999 through constructing the indicators of the gross enrollment rates and by applying Theil index and Gini Coefficient. The outcome show that the inequality among provinces has declined evidently but the polarization from the most advantaged to the most disadvantaged among some of provinces has become intensified. As a result, the author develops certain analysis and explanation from the aspect of synthetical—balanced restriction of non—balanced development of higher education, and provides several policy—making suggestions to solve these regional disparities.
頁次 142-155
關鍵詞 高等教育毛录取率 地区差异 综合均衡 政策分析 CSSCI
卷期 5:4
日期 200710
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學