

篇名 討論與角色取替對道德認知發展之影響
作者 陳英豪
中文摘要 本研究係一序列道德認知教學實驗的第一部份,主要目的在於探究討和角色取替,對於高中學生道德認知發展的影響,並發現道德認知教學效果的因素,以戶為各級學校實施道德教育的參考。實驗對象係省立鳳山高中學生92人,分成實驗組和控制組二組,每組各由23位男生和23位女生組成。由一位教師擔任教學,實驗組每週一次以自編之「我該怎麼辦」兩難故事為教材,以討論和角色取替的方式來激發學生道德認知結構之改變;控制組則以傳統方式教學,不呈現兩難故事,教學方法以教師講解之直接灌輸為主。    實驗組與控制組學生於實驗前以「請你想一想」道德認知問卷擧行前測,一學期後擧行後測。以兩次測驗結果比較教學實驗之效果,並以變異數分析和t檢定分別分析了學生參與的程度、性別、智力、家庭社經地位對道德認知教學效果的影響。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of classroom discussion and role-taking upon students’ development of moral judgment. The subjects were 92 10th graders from an average senior high school of southern Taiwan. Two groups comprised the sample: the experimental group and the control group. Both groups consisted of 46 students with equal number of boys and girls.    The revised DIT (Defining Issues Test). CTMM (California Test of Mental Maturity), and the Personal Data Sheet were administered to measured the level of moral judgment, I. Q., and SES of the subjects.    Thirteen dilemmatic stories of Kohlbergian type were used for classroom discussion and role-playing in experimental group for 5 months, while the control group was taught with traditional indoctrination.    The major findings of the study are as follows:    1.Discussion and role-playing did not significantly raised the level of students moral development during such a short time period.    2.Students who are interested in and actively participated classroom discussion and role-playing gained higher scores in DIT than those who were not.    3.The teaching effects of the experiment showed no difference among different sexes and SES.    4.Students with high IQ gained higher score in DIT than those with average IQ.    Based on above findings of this study, suggestions for improving moral education and further research are included.
頁次 325-361
卷期 1
日期 197904
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系