

篇名 修訂道德判斷測驗及其相關研究
作者 陳英豪
中文摘要 道德發展長久以來即為心理學家、社會學家、教育家所關心的問題,有人甚至稱社會科學即為道德科學(Kohlberg, 1964),McDougall(1908)也曾說:「社會心理學的基本問題即是個人道德發展問題。」Freud也早在1930年即已出:「罪惡感是文明進化過程中最重要的問題!」由心理學的觀點來看,道德的發展應包含認知、情緒與行三種成份。道德的認知作用即是個人遇到特別情況時,用以判斷是非,決定行動的能力,道德判斷(moral judgment)或稱道德推理(moral reasoning)。所謂道德的情緒係指有了過錯之後所產生的羞恥感與罪惡感,良心所產生的作用。道德的行為乃指個人實際表現之行是否符合社會規範,是道德的認知與情緒所產生的具體效果。
英文摘要 Moral education has been considered as the most important goal in China since Confucius. At present, the practice of moral education in Taiwan emphasizes the social learning approach──preaching, modeling and reinforcing. Recently, interest has focus on the study of the development of the child’s moral judgment. Scholars and educators reviewed and researched Piagetian and Kohlbergian concepts, and determined that an adapted test of moral judgment for Chinese students was necessary for research purposes.    The purposes of this study are to revise a moral judgment test for Chinese students and to review related studies. Three dilemmatic stories of Kohlbergian type are used in the test, and Piaget’s semiclinical interview approach was also employed to obtain responses from the subjects. Revised detail instructions from Kohlberg’s Moral Judgment Scoring Manual are provided for evaluating the responses.    The total sample is 516. These samples are drawn from 3 schools in Kaohsiung area. Both percentile and T-norms are given for students tested at grade 4, 6, 8 and 11.    Three methods are adopted to find the reliabilities of the test. The test-retest reliability for the total test was .70 The alpha coefficient was .89, and the scorer reliabilities for total test are from .68 to .78. Two methods are adopted to find the test validities. The correlation coefficients between MMS (Moral Maturity Score) and the grades of Moral Education are ranging form .17 at grade 6 to .40 at grade 8. The moral development of the subjects showed apparent age trends. The correlation coefficients between MMS and IQ are ranging between .26 to .29.    The major findings from related studies of moral judgment in Taiwan are stated as follows:    1. The moral development of Chinese students are significantly related to age, sex, IQ, SES, ego-strength, role-taking ability, and parents’ attitudes toward their children.    2. Correlation coefficients between moral judgment and perceived moral behavior of Chinese students is positive and significant.    3. the moral development of Chinese can be accelerated by appropriate intervention, such as role-taking and discussion.
頁次 318-356
卷期 2
日期 198009
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系