

篇名 國小資優實驗班學生創造力與問題解決能力發展之研究
作者 簡真真
中文摘要 本研究之目的,除在編製一套適合我國兒童使用之問題解決能力測驗外,旨在探討國小資優實驗班學生創造力及問題解決能力發展之情形,以了解資優教育實驗實施之成效。    本研究之對象包括辦理資優教育實驗之高雄市兩所國小五、六年級實驗班學生(男生71名,女生42名)(簡稱「實驗班」),此外,選取來自不同學校,但智力條件相當、人數相等之普通資優學生(簡稱「普通班」)作為參照比較。    研究具除了採用「加州心理成熟測驗第二種」以選取研究對象以外,並運用「陶氏創造思考測驗」(語文甲式)及「修訂普度問題解決能力測驗」,以探討不同教育方式下實驗班與普通班資優學生流暢性、變通性、獨創性思考及問題解決能力發展之差異。    茲摘述本研究之結果及發現如下:    壹、修訂「普度問題解決能力測驗」    本測驗適合小學二年級至六年級學生使用。修訂後之測驗,其四、五、六年級學生之信度介於.82~.88之間。效度方面,四年級與六年級學生間具有年級之差異,並與創造傾向及學業成就就均具顯著之相關。    貮、創造思考能力之比較    1.實驗班與普通班資優學生,在創造思考各層面上之差異如下:    (1)總分方面,五年級並無班別差異,但六年級之實驗班優於普通班。    (2)流暢性思考方面,五年級之普通班優於實驗班,但六年級之實驗班優於普通班。    (3)變通性思考方面,五、六年級皆未有班別間之差異。    (4)獨創性思考方面,不論是五年級或六年級,皆是實驗班優於普通班。    2.如果分別就兩所國小之實驗班及普通班三個班級間之差異而言,五年級的實驗班間具有顯著差異;而六年級實驗班在各種創造思考層面上之表現,也都優於普通班資優學生。    參、問題解決能力之比較:    1.實驗班與普通班資優學生,不論五年級或六年級,其問題解決能力皆較一般學生優異。    2.五、六年級之實驗班與普通班資優學生,在問題解決能力上,並無班別之差異存在。
英文摘要 The main purposes of this study were to develop a non-verbal test of problem solving for Chinese children and to evaluate the creative teaching effects of “The Gifted Education Experiment Class” at elementary level.    The subjects of this study came from grade 5 and grade 6, consisting of two groups—experiment group (EG) and control group (CG). The number of each group is 113, and the IQ of each subject is over 130, based on Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale. There is no difference of mean IQ between two groups.    The Torrance Test of Creative Thinking and the Revised Purdue Elementary Problem-Solving Test were administered to the two groups.    The major findings of this study were as follows:    1. The KR-20 reliability of the Revised Purdue Elementary Problem Solving Test ranged from .82 to .88. There was a significant correlation between the Revised Test and the Pennsylvania Assessment of Creative Tendency. Students’ academic achievement also correlated to the Revised Test significantly. The problem solving ability of the sample showed an apparent trend.    2. The original thinking of the EG was superior to the CG, except the fluent thinking at grade 5 and flexible thinking at grade 5, 6, and 3. There was no significant difference in problem solving ability shown between EG and CG, but they were both superior to normal students.    Based on the above findings and conclusions of the study, some suggestions for the gifted education and further research were included.
頁次 245-296
卷期 4
日期 198210
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系