

篇名 我國國小教師聘任制度之探討
並列篇名 A Study on the Employment System of Teachers for Primary School
作者 劉仲成(Loiu, Chen-chung)
中文摘要 自民國八十四年「教師法「頒佈以來,對國內教師聘任制度造成極大的衝擊,新教師一制施要至今已逾六年,其追求教師卓越化的預期成效雖尚未見著,但其施行之困境卻益發明顯。本研究基於此,將以國小教師聘任制度為探討重點,研究者先介紹國內現行國小教師聘任之方式及初聘的審查類別,並比較新舊制國小教師資格證書之差異,期對目前國小教師聘任制度有全盤之認識;接著經由實際調查各縣市教育局辦理國小教師甄選介聘作業及從事該資料分析後,彙整出一比較表,藉以進一步瞭解現行國小教師聘任制度之實施現況,並提出當前國小教師聘任之困境;最後,研者彙整上述資料及根據個人實務經驗提出我國現行國小教師聘任制度的因應方針如下:建立教師介聘資訊系統;輔導學校先委教師聯合介聘再自辦甄選;公告聯合教師甄試錄取名單,由學校依需求提請教評會審查通過再行聘用;協調各校統一訂定教師介聘時間等。
英文摘要 Since the ‘Teacher Law’ (primary and secondary) been excited in 1995 in Taiwan, the teachers’ employment system has been impacted. The new policy has been operated over six years, its goal of pursuing excellent has not been completely accomplished yet, but it has suffered more and more problems in practicing. The purpose of this study was to analyze and investigate the current teachers’ employment system in order to solve these problems. First of all, it explored the regulation of teachers’ employment for primary school; secondly, it analyzed its implementation in all local authorities in Taiwan as well as highlighted difficulties of it; finally, according to the analysis and the finding of this paper, it proposed five suggestions toward operating teachers’ employment in the future.
頁次 65-79
關鍵詞 教師聘任 Teachers' employment TSSCI
卷期 5:2
日期 200208
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所