

篇名 持续增长的国际教育商品与服务商业市场
並列篇名 The Growing International Commercial Market for Educational Goods and Services
作者 斯蒂芬˙P˙海涅曼 、陈远超
中文摘要 本文对教育产品和服务做出了厘定,并提出两种分支领域的结构;论述了商业活动的规模及其走向;为那些有性区投资该领域的人们检视其机遇与挑战;探讨了几个问题:商业方式提供教育商品与服务是好还是不好?是不得已而之还是必然选择?对于那些不知道如何对此做出适当响应的国家来说,是应该欢迎还是应该抵制这些趋势?
英文摘要 This article defines education goods and services, and outlines the structure of the two sub-sectors; describes the size of commercial activity and its trends; reviews the challenges and opportunities for those who are interested in investing in this area; and asks the question of whether the commercial provision of education goods and services is good or bad, inevitable or not; whether countries, unsure about the appropriate response, should welcome or resist these trends.
頁次 64-68
關鍵詞 教育产业 教育商品 教育服务 国际市场 education industry educational goods educational services international market CSSCI
卷期 1:4
日期 200307
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學