

篇名 大学生人文精神较难形成的原因探微
並列篇名 Why the University Students’ Humanism Spirit Is Difficult to Be Formed
作者 李玲芳
中文摘要 人文精神不是人文知识,大学生人文精神形成的难点就在于实现从人文知识向人文精神的提升。高校难以开展有效的实践活动让大学生体悟和践履,人文教育方法难以体现人文的方法特征,人文教育难以与专业教育相结合、难以发挥大学生的主体作用,是当代大学生人文精神难以形成的主要原因。
英文摘要 The humanism spirit is different from the humanism knowledge, so the difficulty of the university students’ humanism education exists in promoting humanism knowledge to humanism spirit. The author thinks that there are four reasons which influence such promotion: the university can not organize effective activities to make the students thinking and doing, the methods of humanism education can not embody its characteristics, the teachers can not seep humanism in special courses teaching, and the students’ principal role can not be exerted in the humanism education.
頁次 73-75
關鍵詞 大学生 人文精神 University students humanism spirit CSSCI
卷期 2:4
日期 200407
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學