

篇名 基於設計的研究──以高中研究型課程”人˙建築與城市”為例
並列篇名 Design-Based Research: A Case Study Inquiry-based Curriculum “Human, Architecture & City” in High School
作者 王美
中文摘要 “人˙建筑与城市”是在上海市二期课改研究型课程实施背景下,初步运用基于设计的研究这一新的研究范式加以开发的高中研究型课程。本文从设计研究的视角,介绍了该研究型课程的五条设计原则,并阐释了该课程所创建的开放学习环境,最后着重探讨了课程首轮实施过程中逐步浮现的四个设计问题。
英文摘要 In the second-stage curriculum reform conducted in Shanghai, such new curriculum models as Inquiry-based Curriculum have been implemented. Under the background, the research group have developed the high school inquiry-based curriculum “Human, Architecture & City” with the new research paradigm “Design-Based Research”. In this paper, the author describes five design principles for the inquiry curriculum, illustrates the open learning environment created by it, and discusses four design problems emerged from the first implement process.
頁次 82-88
關鍵詞 Human, Architecture & City inquiry-based curriculum in High School design-based research 人˙建築與城市 研究型課程 基於設計的研究 CSSCI
卷期 13:2
日期 200704
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學