

篇名 大众化背景的精英教育
並列篇名 Elitist Education in Mass Higher Education
作者 王晓辉
中文摘要 在发展大众化高等教育的同时,我们同样应当重视精英教育。我们的教育应当系统地政治精英、学术精英和国际精英。一流大学在某种意义上说就是造就精英的地方。面对学习型社会中的国家发展和全球化背景下的国际竞争,我们必须重新思考和设计精英教育。以才取人、公正筛选、精心培养、委以重任将是我国精英教育的一种思路。
英文摘要 It is important not to overlook elitist education during the process of higher education massification. A national education system needs to have a training system for political, academic and international leadership. To a certain extent, the university is the provider of this training. It is urgent to re─examine and re─design elitist education for national building in the context of learning society and global competition. Principles such as meritocratic selection, fair access, carefully─designed training, and desirable graduate career will continue to guide elitist education in China.
頁次 37-41
關鍵詞 massification elitist education 一流大学 精英教育 高等教育 CSSCI
卷期 27:4
日期 200608
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學