

篇名 資訊素養與學習風格關係之實徵研究:以大三學生為例
並列篇名 Exploring the Relationship between Information Literacy and Learning Styles: An Empirical Research on College Juniors
作者 田芳華
中文摘要 本文探討影響我國大學生資訊素養之相關因素。資訊素養指的是「個人知道何時需要資訊,並能有效找尋、評估和利用資訊的能力」。本文突破以往多將資訊素養視為電腦及網路素養之侷限,將內容擴充至圖書館素養和媒體素養,並探究學習風格與資訊素養之關係,充實學習理論文獻。本研究以我國12所大學之大三學生為對象,發現:一、女性的圖書館素養優於男性,但男性之電腦素養和網路素養表現較佳;二、攻讀人文及社會科學者的圖書館素養和媒體素養較強,自然與工程領域者的電腦軟硬體與網路素養成績較好;三、母親教育程度愈高者,父親擔任經理、議員或專業人士者,其子女愈能成功洞識媒體陷阱和限制。父親在公部門工作者,其子女辨識評估媒體能力不如父親在私人或其他機構工作者之子弟;四、學習風格屬於理解型的學生在四類資訊素養上表現傑出;五、自我表達型學生在圖書館素養和媒體素養上的表現較佳;六、精熟型學生之網路素養表現良好,但考慮其他變項之影響力後,其與人際型學習者表現並無差異。
英文摘要 This study explores the correlates of information literacy for the third-year college students enrolled in 12 universities in Taiwan. Research findings include: (1) Female students have better library literacy than males, while males perform better than females in terms of computer literacy and network literacy. (2) Students in humanities and social sciences perform better in library literacy and media literacy. Natural science and engineering students get higher scores in tests of computer literacy and of network literacy. (3) Students whose mothers receive more education, and whose fathers are managers or professionals, and whose fathers work for private institutions have better ability in media literacy. (4) Students of understanding learning styles outperform in all kinds of information literacy. (5) Students of self-expressive learning styles perform well in library literacy and media literacy. (6) The mastery style learners have good performance on computer literacy. After taking into account the effects of other variables, however, their performances are about the same as the interpersonal style learners.
頁次 79-117
關鍵詞 大學生學習 learning style information literacy college student learning 學習風格 資訊素養 TSSCI
卷期 32
日期 200906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系