

篇名 生源地助学贷款的发展困境与前景 ─ 以湖北省A市为例
並列篇名 Difficulty and Prospect of Student Loans Based on Origin of Residency:A Case Study from Hubei Province
作者 李庆豪 、沉红
中文摘要 部分省市推出的生源地助学贷款为分贫困生资助提供了新思路。但通过实地调研和问卷调查,分析发现,生源地助学贷款还存在定位模糊、农村信用社体制约束、贷款政策不完善等问题,制约其作用的发挥。生源地助学贷款要获得长远有效的发展,需要进一歩完善实施方案:利用有利的社会政策环境,与其它资助政策统筹,完善配套措施。
英文摘要 Some provinces have recently provided student with financial disadvantages with loans based on the student’s place of residency. This study examines the operation of this new type of student loans through fieldwork and questionnaire survey. The findings show that the operation of such loans are met with certain barriers, such as unclear client targeting restrains from the system of rural credit cooperatives, and immature loan polices. The study recommends that in order t sustain effective operation of such loans, improvement should be made to facilitate its implementation, including making use of favourable policy environment, integrating different types of student financial aid, and increasing supporting measures.
頁次 39-45
關鍵詞 贫困生 loans based on the student’s origin of residency financial aid student with financial disadvantage 生源地助学贷款 资助 CSSCI
卷期 28:5
日期 200710
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學