

篇名 論高等學校發展戰略及其制定
並列篇名 Development Strategic Planning in Higher Education Institutions
作者 別敦榮
中文摘要 高校发展战略是围绕高等教育核心价值,在现实状况与长远利益的视野下所选择的根本发展路径。战略决定高校发展样态,我国大多数高校长期处于一种无战略发展状态,导致发展模式失当。要建设高等教育强国,高校必须创新发展模式,走战略发展之路。制定高校发展战略不是一件简单的事情,可以从多方面着手,包括从高校发展的薄弱与优势之处、从社会发展的新需要、从学校事业新的生长点,以及从高等教育传统的断裂处等寻找战略。
英文摘要 Institutional development strategy is the fundamental development path chosen in view of both present and long-term interest and of core mission of higher education. Development strategy defines the mode of development of higher education institutions(HEIs). Many HEIs in China have not yet had a development strategy, hence its mode of development may well be inappropriate. With the goal to build a nation with strong higher education, it is imperative for HEIs to innovate its development mode and form a clear development strategy. It is not easy to form an institutional development strategy. A HEI needs to consider a range of issues, involving its advantages and disadvantages, social need, new areas of institutional development, and continuity and discontinuity of institutional traditions.
頁次 13-19
關鍵詞 development mode development strategy Higher education institutions(HEIs) 發展模式 發展戰略 高等學校 CSSCI
卷期 29:2
日期 200804
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學