

篇名 西方數學學習性別差異研究述評
並列篇名 A Review of the Western Research on Gender Differences in Mathematics Learning
作者 范文貴 、李偉華
中文摘要 数学学习性别差异是西方教育理论研究的热点问题之一。这一课题的研究在国际上已取得很多重要成果,这些研究结论不尽相同,甚至对立,如:男生比女生在数学学习方面占优势;男女生在数学学习方面各有优势;男女生在数学学习方面无显着差异等。有的学习者从男女先天的智力和生理特征的角度解释造成差异的原因;有的学者从自我信念体系、社会文化及学校因素、教师观念、家长观念解释造成差异的原因。为了平衡数学学习中的性别差异,我们应树立性别平等意识、实施单一性别教育,发展”因性施教”的教学方式。
英文摘要 The gender differences in Mathematics learning is an important issue in Western educational study. In the international community many important results have been arrived on this research topic: Boys are more advantageous than girls in mathematics learning; boys and girls have their respective advantages in mathematics learning; there are not significant differences in boys and girls’ mathematics learning. Some scholars explain the reasons that cause the discrepancy from the intellectual and physiological characteristics, the self-belief system, schools and social cultural factors, the concepts of teachers and parents. The teaching modes such as “single-sex education, establishing teachers’ gender equality awareness, and teaching according to students’ gender” may balance the gender differences in mathematical learning.
頁次 77-82
關鍵詞 balancing the gender differences social determinism biological determinism mathematics learning gender differences 平衡性別差異 社會決定論 生物決定論 性別差異 教學學習 CSSCI
卷期 30:9
日期 200809
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所