

篇名 美国传统名校是怎样捍卫学术诚信的-普林斯顿大学本科生学术规范管理制度评述
並列篇名 How the Traditional Famous University Protect Its Academic Integrity: Review of the Undergraduate Academic Management of the Princeton University
作者 郭洁 、郭宁
中文摘要 普林斯顿大学本科生的学术规范管理非常富有特色,这体现在其强调学生自律的管理理念、严格而细化的管理规范、科学的管理程序与对学术失范行为实施公开惩处等方面。普林斯顿的学术规范管理使该校本科生从入校起就接受严格的学术规范教育,逐渐认同并自觉身体力行学术规范与要求,从而使优良的学术传统能在普林斯顿大学代代相传,成为后代学人学术不断产出的重要基础。
英文摘要 The characteristics of Princeton's undergraduate academic management include: the academic management idea of self-supervision; the stringent and fine academic criterions; standardized academic management process and the report on the discipline of the violation activities. Princeton's academic management system creates a rigorous academic atmosphere, making the students recognize and earnestly practice these academic rules. This system has contributed greatly to inheriting its excellent academic traditions as well as to its improving of the academic outputs.
頁次 76-79
關鍵詞 honor system academic violation academic regulation 荣誉系统 学术违规 普林斯顿大学 学术规范 CSSCI
卷期 30:7
日期 200807
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所