

篇名 諮商與心理治療執業現況之調查研究
並列篇名 Practice Survey of Counseling and Psychotherapy in Taiwan
作者 林家興
中文摘要 本研究以问卷调查方式,搜集306位心理卫生专业人员对于从事谘商与心理治疗执业的看法,以及有关他们从事心理卫生工作现况的资料。接受问卷调查的心理卫生专业人员,包括精神科医生、临床心理师、社会工作师、辅导教师,及心理谘商师。本研究探讨的问题包括:心理卫生专业人员对谘商与心理治疗执业前景的看法、从事私人开业的意愿、从事谘商与心理治疗执业的内在与外在障碍、从事谘商与心理治疗执业起码应具备的学经历、谘商与心理治疗的收费标准、心理卫生专业人员的理论取向与工作内容等。本研究除了讨论研究结果的含意,并对心理卫生人员的专业训练与临床工作提出建议。
英文摘要 Three hundreds and six mental health professionals were asked to complete a questionnaire on their counseling and psychotherapy practice. Subject included psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, social workers, school counselors, and mental health counselors. Main questions included in the questionnaire are: practice outlook of counseling and psychotherapy, level of willingness to engage in private practice, internal and external barriers of practicing counseling and psychotherapy, minimal qualifications for mental health professionals practicing counseling and psychotherapy, counseling and psychotherapy fee schedule, theoretical orientations, and work activities. Research findings, their clinical and training implications are presented and discussed in this paper.
頁次 55-74
關鍵詞 諮商 practice survey psychotherapy mental health counseling 心理衛生 執業調查 心理治療 TSSCI
卷期 45:2
日期 200010
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學