

篇名 以學生為教育主體的零體罰政策
並列篇名 Students as the Education Subjectivity of Zero Corporal Punishment Education Policy
作者 許育典(Hsu, Yue-dian) 、陳碧玉(Chen, Be-yu)
中文摘要 零體罰的教育政策在2006年獲得實證法上的落實,《教育基本法》第8條和第15條的規定,讓台灣成為第109個零體罰的國家。過去,一直認為體罰屬於教師管教權/義務的行使,然而,體罰會對學生的人格開展造成嚴重的影響,如此,不僅牴觸教育基本權是以學生人格自由開展為核心的目標,也侵害學生的身體不受傷害權。就此而言,學生在釋字第382號解釋後,已不屬於特別權力關係的一環,因此,身為基本權主體的學生,遭遇侵害其基本權的體罰時,應有拒絕體罰,或於受體罰後享有救濟的權利。附帶一提的是,學生既做為教育基本權的主體,則教師行使其教學自由而進行管教時,也應以學生的人格自由開展為準則。此外,現今零體罰既屬於我國的教育基本原則,故國家、學校、教師和家長皆需一起努力,讓零體罰教育政策確實在校園中落實,唯有努力實踐此政策,校園才有可能成為最適合學生發展人格的場所。
英文摘要 Zero corporal punishment education policy is recognized by the Article 8 and 15 of Education Basic Law in 2006. From then on, Taiwan has become the 109th nation to forbid corporal punishment in the world. In the past, corporal punishment was esteemed as the discipline right of teachers. However, corporal punishment has great effect upon students’ personality. Accordingly, corporal punishment not only infringes the facilitation of student’s personality freedom which is the core of fundament right for education, but also breaches students’ right not to be physically harmed. After the Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 382 which affirmed the fundamental rights for students, the then dominating view of the special power relationship was gradually replaced by the legal relationship. Hence, students, as education subjectivities, have the right to reject corporal punishment and the right to remedy. Most important of all, students are the subjectivity of fundament right for education, so teachers have to aim at students’ personality freedom when they exercise their freedom of teaching. In addition, zero corporal punishment is the fundamental principle of education in Taiwan. From now on, actors such as state, schools, teachers, and parents must work together in realizing zero corporal punishment education policy in school. Only if we make effort on practicing zero corporal punishment education, our schools are more likely to become an appropriate arena for students to cultivate their character.
頁次 107-140
關鍵詞 人格自由開展 身體不受傷害權 特別權力關係 教育基本權 零體罰教育政策 Fundament right for education Personality freedom The right not to be physically harmed The special power relationship Zero corporal punishment education policy TSSCI
卷期 12:1
日期 200902
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所