

篇名 臺灣師資培育制度改革論述的社會分析
並列篇名 The Social Analysis of the Discourses on Teacher Education in Taiwan
作者 紀金山
中文摘要 本文針對師資培育制度改革論述的分析,顯示此歷程不僅是理念的選擇,還受到其他社會脈絡的影響,導致體制外行動者有機會將制度功能問題擴大詮釋為制度和文化的危機,並將論述攻防拉高到主要的制度規則層次,形成制度改良或轉型的體制論辯,因此,制度菁英的利益、行動、政治結盟決定了論述競爭發展。其中,第一波改革論述競爭在社運菁英參與和政治結盟下產生新舊典範的替代過程;然後,第二波改革論述競爭在政黨輪替後透過政策菁英進一步鞏固新的典範,從而確立了「師範教育」專業時代的終結,也導致制度利益的重新分配。由於制度和權力緊密結合,制度菁英隨著外在社會情勢變遷,再度採取新的修正論述,論述主軸並隨之變異,轉而重視制度功能。
英文摘要 This paper suggests the reform on teacher education was not only effected by the professional ideals but also effected by social contexts, and it caused outsiders had the chance to interpret the functional problems into the crisis of institution and culture, and pulled the focus of debate from regulative rules to the competition of regimes. The competing outcomes among discourses were most determined by the institutional entrepreneurs and the political allies. The first wave of competition made a new paradigm of teacher education to replace the old one. After the party transition of the government, the second wave of competition consolidated the new paradigm and redistributed the institutional interests. Since the tight-coupled between institution and power, the institutional entrepreneurs had to correct their discourses to meet new social situation, then the theme of discourses had transited from ideal to the real function gradually.
頁次 47-85
關鍵詞 師資培育 教育改革 論述分析 制度 teacher education educational reform discourse analysis institution TSSCI
卷期 8:2
日期 200812
刊名 臺灣教育社會學研究
出版單位 臺灣教育社會學學會