

篇名 企业职工参加教育培训的决定因素 ─ 深圳的案例
並列篇名 Determinants of Participation and Non─participation in Job─Related:Education and Training in Shenzhen, China
作者 萧今 、曾满超
中文摘要 市场为导向的经济使中国深圳迅猛发展,大部分职工继续参加与工作相关的教育培训。本研究认为,在企业具有了经营自主权后,员工会按照自己的意愿追求职业抱负,因此非政府资助的教育培训系统将获得较大发展,以响应企业及职工个体的教育培训需求。本研究通过深圳76家企业、3475个职工的调查数据,用多元选择模型考察职工参加与工作相关的教育培训模式的决定因素。职工参加教育培训有四种选择:参加企业提供的教育培训、去企业以外的机构接受教育培训、以上两种模式都参加或者都不参加。本研究发现,选择上述四种不同模式的职工在个人的文化象征性特征、与工作间有关的个人社会经济特征以及其所属企业的经济特征等方面都存在着差异。
英文摘要 In the fast─growing market─oriented economy of Shenzhen, China, most employees have continued to participate in job─related education and training. We argue that as firms have acquired autonomy in their operations and individuals have gained the right to pursue their personal occupational aspirations, non─state─sponsored education and training systems for the working population have developed to respond to the demands from firms, as well as individuals. With survey data from 3,475 employees in seventy─six firms from Shenzhen, this study uses a multinomial model to examine patterns in employee participation in job─related education and training. There are basically four options open to employees:taking part in education and training provided by a firm to its own employees, enrolling in education and training offered by institutions outside the firm, availing themselves of both options simultaneously, or not participating. Our findings suggest that these four groups of employees vary in terms of their cultural and symbolic attributes, their individual socioeconomic attributes in relation to their workplace, and the economic attributes of their firm.
頁次 119-135
關鍵詞 劳动力市场 竞争力 职工教育培训 CSSCI
卷期 6:3
日期 200807
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學