

篇名 認知式態研究:國小高年級學生的「慎思細緻型」與「巧思粗率型」之認知式    態相關因素及其在班級社會體系的效應
作者 林生傳
中文摘要 本研究綜理認知式態的理論與文獻,並據以有系統地實徵探討高年級學童的「慎思細緻型」與「巧思粗率型」的認知式態,利用凱更氏MFFT測量來自都市五校,鄉鎮五校的男女生各50人,利用相關法、ANOVA、事後考驗、χ2考驗、t考驗等各種統計方法發現:(1)中美學生MFFT上的表現無顯著差異;(2)認知式態因SES而有差別;(3)MFFT測驗分數與IQ的相關只有一部分獲得證實;(4)此種認知式態並不單純地影響學業成績;(5)在班級體系中師生此種認知式態有顯著的相關;(6)師生認知式態之搭配對教學結果具有ATI效應。
英文摘要 This study was to investigate “Reflectivity” vs. Impulsivity” in cognitive style measured by Kagan’s “Matching Familiar Figures Test” and its effects is classroom social system 50 boys, 50 girls from 10 classes in 10 schools selected by “Stratified Randomly Sampling” formed as the sample. With r, x2, ANOVA, t test computation, this study revealed:    (1)No significant differences existed in “Reflectivity” and “Impulsivity” between Chinese and American pupils.    (2)Pupils from middle and upper SES are more Reflective Style than the lower.    (3)Few rs between MFFT scores and IQ were significant.    (4)Pupils’ cognitive style and their teachers’ were substantially correlated.    (5)No substantial variation of academic performance could be attributed to the simple effect of R. and caused by teacher-pupil-match in cognitive style was detected.
頁次 214-244
卷期 4
日期 198210
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系