

篇名 大學生認知型式﹑創造性人格與創造傾向關係之研究
作者 吳幼妃
中文摘要 本研究的主要目的是探究認知型式、創造性人格與創造傾向的關係。本研究以大學生223名為對象,以創造傾向為依變項,性別、文理學科、認知型式與創造人格為自變項,進行研究,利用變異數分析和薛費氏事後考驗法,得到以下發現:    1. 大學生的認知型式與創造傾向不受性別與文理學科的影響,但創造人格雖無文理學科的差異,卻有性別上的差異,男性優於女性。    2. 在創造性人格方面,文理學科與性別具有交互作用的關係;但在創造傾向及認知型式方面,文理學科與性別並無交互影響存在。    3. 在創造傾向關係研究上,除了性別與創造性人格有交互作用外,其餘各組如文理學科與創造性人格、性別與認知型式、文理學科與認知型式,及創造性人格與認知型式等,均無顯著的交互作用存在。性別與創造性人格的交互作經事後考驗發現,高創造性人格者中,女生創造傾向較男生強;而無論男生或女生,高創造人格者的創傾向比低創造人格者強。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of cognitive style, creative personality and creative tendency. A sample of 223 college students was selected in this study and three measurements were given to them.    The dependent variables of this study were sex, academic major, cognitive style, and creative personality; and the creative tendency, the independent variable. The results were as follows:    1. Differences of sex and academic major had no effects on students’ cognitive style and creative tendency. Though, in creative personality, there were no significant differences in academic major, significant differences in sex were found: male students had higher scores on creative personality than female students.    2. There was an significant interaction between sex and academic major on creative personality, but no significant interaction between academic major and sex on creative tendency and cognitive style.    3. With regard to the relations of creative tendency, there was no interactions between academic major and creative personality, sex and cognitive style, academic major and cognitive style, and, creative personality and cognitive style; but a significant interaction existed in sex and creative personality.
頁次 195-224
卷期 5
日期 198402
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系