

篇名 美國第十六屆蓋洛普公立學校教育之民意調查分析
作者 林寶山
中文摘要 美國第十六屆蓋洛普公立學校教育問題之民意調查,主要目的是在瞭解一般民眾對於重要教育措施和問題之最新看法和態度。    本年度的調查是由Phi Delta Kappa公司贊助舉辦。喬治.蓋洛普先生負責全部調查工作的規畫、執行以及報告的撰寫等事宜。    本年度的調查項目較往年為多,就其性質可歸併為十六大項,共計二十三題。其中仍以有關公立學校教育之成效及一九八四年所遭遇的主要問題為重點。若就本年度所調查的教育問題來看,其中仍有許多問題也出現在我國的學校教育之中。    此外,本年蓋洛普先生另又創辦第一屆以教師為對象之調查,其內容與第十六屆以民眾為對象之調查項目極多相似之處。主要目的是想比較教師及民眾雙方對教育問題所持之態度是否一致,如此將更能提供給教育行政決策當局較客觀、可靠之資料。    我國對於各項教育問題較常探尋教師或其它教育人員之意見,而忽視了一般民眾之態度。但民眾之意見及態度有其重要價值,實不能忽視。因此,本文建議類似蓋洛普之教育民意調查能早日在我國創辦。
英文摘要 Ⅰ.Introduction    The major purposes of the annual Gallup poll of public attitudes toward the public school are try to understand the public’s opinion and attitudes toward the significant issues of American education. The 16th Gallup education poll, sponsored by the Phi Delta Kappa, has been conducted by George Gallup, Sr., who died on the July, 1984.    Ⅱ.Issues of the 16th Gallup poll    The major issues of the 16th poll can be classified into the following sixteen categories:    1.The importance of education in Amercia’s future.    2.Rating of the public school in 1984.    3.The major problems confronting the public school in 1984.    4.The goals of education.    5.Subjects the public would require.    6.Course credit for community service.    7.Teaching as a career.    8.Special areas of instruction that should be required.    9.Importance of extracurricular activities.    10.Amount of school work required for elementary and high school students.    11.Teacher’s salaries.    12.State board examinations for teachers.    13.Raising college extrance requirements.    14.National test for graduation.    15.Nongraded schools.    16.Increasing the length of school year and school day.    Ⅲ.Conclusion and recommendation    It was noted that the annual Gallup poll served as a national benchmark against which public attitudes can be measured. The findings of the poll will provide the decision makers the attitudes of American people toward many issues which confronting the public schools. In addition, the 1st Gallup poll of Teacher’s Attitudes Taward the public School has also been conducted by Gallup/PDK. This poll dealing with the issues of greatest concern to both educators and the public. It was found that the teachers’ attitudes toward the public school are markedly uniform. However the attitudes of teachers and the public are frequently at old.    It is the author’s belief that the educational poll will provide an reliable and valuable information concerning education. Therefore, the similar Gallup’s type of poll should be initiated in Taiwan.
頁次 64-95
卷期 6
日期 198506
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系