

篇名 A Basic Concern of Cross-Cultural Research into Classroom Interactions
並列篇名 班級歷程比較研究的參數
作者 林生傳
中文摘要 確定班級歷程的參數,為從事班級歷程的泛文化比較研究首須考慮的問題,本文旨在對此一問題作一澈底的分析。本文首先提示班級歷比較研究的重要性作為緒論,次則擬定班級歷程比較研究的基本預設;其次,探討如何確定班級歷程比較研究的準據;再次,利用各種不同社會科學觀點來分析班級歷程的參數,復次,根據此等準據來鑑定參數,作為班級歷程研究的變項。循此,得主要結論如下:    第一、普遍性,精粹性,可證驗性,可觀察與可測性為決定班級歷程比較研究之參考的準據。    第二、不同的社會科學觀點對班級歷程的認知不同,所選定的參數也不一。    第三、社會物理學觀點以“時間”為參數;社會結構觀以“組群”為主要參數;社會語言觀點重在“語言互動”為主要參數;而社會組織觀點屬意在“控制”為其主要參數,此等參數大致符合上述之準據。
英文摘要 This paper was purported to deal with the specification of parameters in a classroom interaction. This specification is a basic concern for a cross-cultural research into classroom. Three parts were inclnded.Part 1, the introduction, provided a rationae for this study and the assumption for this kind of research. Part two, tackled the criteria for defining a parameter in classroom interactions for cross- cultural researches. Part three, Viewed some parameters from different perspectives of social sciences. Further, it evaluated these parameters against the criteria aforementioned.    Some conclusions were drawn from this analtyical study: First, universality, essentiality, verfiablity, being observable and measurable are the criteria against which to define appropriate parameters for study.    Second, different perpectives perceive classroom interactions in a distinct way, which leads to their preference in defining parameters for a cross-cultural study on classroom interaction.    Third, social physical perpective favors “time” as a parameter for crosscultural study; social linguistic perspective defines “verbal interactions” as the parameter; and social organizational perspective adheres to “control” as the parmeter.
頁次 364-378
卷期 8
日期 198906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系