

篇名 組織弔詭修辭對學校行政決策的應用
並列篇名 Organizational Oxymoron for the Applications of Decision-Making of School Administration
作者 黃乃熒(Whang, Nai-ying)
中文摘要 本研究的主要目的旨在說明研究調合學校組織兩極對立情境,對學校行政決策的功能性。而研究調合對立情境以獲取智慧的方法稱之為組織弔詭修辭。進一步而言,組織弔詭修辭之具體的行動包括,運用個體詮釋、互動的溝通與辦證發展(對學校行政事件進行反省)等方法,將兩個對立觀念加以均衡的調節融合,以便能夠發覺合理的學校行政決策行為與建構有效的學校行政決策實體。
英文摘要 Organizational Oxymoron is a methodology to inquire an organization reality by the connotation of paradox. Usually, the method can help find out school administrative behavior that makes sense by integrating two contradictory opposite concepts through such methods as individual interpretation, reciprocal communication and dialectics.
The purpose of the present paper is to study the complementary connotations of contradictory paradox found in school organizations and to explore the influence that such complementary connotation of paradox may have improved decision-making of school administration. Also, the paper tries to find the judgment and communication mechanism of decision-making of school administration.
頁次 174-198
關鍵詞 矛盾 組織弔詭修辭 對立 學校行政決策 Contradictory Organizational oxymoron Paradox Decision-making TSSCI
卷期 1:1
日期 199802
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所