

篇名 教育增长与教育发展:历史、概念与政策
並列篇名 Educational Growth and Educational Development:History, Concept and Policy
作者 李轶
中文摘要 60年来,发展理论经历了从经济增长到经济发展再到经济、社会、人文、自然全面协调可持续发展的变迁。我国教育正面临大改革和大发展。这一过程中,人们容易把教育增长即教育人数的增加,教育年限的延长和教育资源条件的改善当作教育发展,从而使教育发展面临GDP化、工业化、市场化和物质化的陷阱。而教育发展是指教育系统自身机能的改善和对社会教育需求的灵活满足,它包括教育的物质基础、结构、功能、教育机会数量、教育机会分配、受教育者素质变化、社会人力资源状况以及对社会的影响八个范畴。为了促进教育的发展,当前应在科学教育发展观的指导下,检视既有的教育发展道路,调整教育政策的价值标准、知识基础、政策领域和政策手段。
英文摘要 In the past 60 years, Development theory ahs evolved through economy growth to economy development and to comprehensive, harmonious and sustainable development. But now in China, people are apt to mistake educational growth for educational development, these ideas will mislead education reform into “educational GDP”, industrialization, marketization and materialization. This author think that educational development means improving system’s construction and function and meeting society’s and people’s demands. Furthermore, educational development includes eight aspects:system’s material basic, structure, function, educational opportunity and its distribution, educatee’s change, social human resource and influence on society. To achieve educational development, we must review and adjust current educational policy according to the new educational development theory.
頁次 33-39
關鍵詞 教育改革 教育政策 教育增长 教育发展 Education reform education policy educational increase educational Development CSSCI
卷期 3:2
日期 200503
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學