

篇名 網絡合作學習模式的設計與應用──合作學習的任務、分組交流和認知過程
並列篇名 A Collaborative Design Model──Learning Tasks, Peer Interaction, and Cognition Process
作者 杜健霞 、孫玫璐
中文摘要 本文为利用网络进行集体合作学习提供了一种模式,这种模式的设计理念基础是皮亚杰的同化与顺应概念和维果斯基的社会互动论。网络合作学习由以下四个部分组成:个体独立学习、学习任务、集体学习和交流媒介。本文着眼于以下三点描述该合作学习设计模式:一是该合作模式如何应用于促进学生的学习活动;二是这些学习活动又如何提高学生之间、学生群体之间以及学生与指导教师之间的交流水平和交流质量的;三是学生使用该合作学习设计模式中的反应如何,并附学生在网络课程中实践该模式后的反馈情况。本文介绍了笔着在密西西比州立大学实际操作该模式的过程,并描述了与该互动模式实施的有关结论和观察结果。
英文摘要 This paper illustrates a model for Online Group Collaborative Learning. The foundation of the Collaborative Design Model is based upon Piaget’s concepts of assimilation and accommodation and Vygotsky’s theory of social interaction. Four components of online collaborative learning include: individual processes, the task(s) students’ work on, group member processes, and communication media. These elements become key components beginning with the theoretical framework, models to be used, and implementation of the models. The purpose of this paper is to describe the Collaborative Design Model and student feedback related to its implementation in an online course. This research specifically examines:(a)how the Collaborative Design Model was used to develop collaborative learning activities;(b)how activities were structured to promote the level and quality of communications among students, as peers, and between students and the instructor; and(c)how students responded to the implementation of the Collaborative Design Model. The paper also includes information on the delivery process and describes findings and observations related to the implementation of this interactive model.
頁次 26-32
關鍵詞 applying course design network collaborative learning 應用 課程設計 網絡合作學習 CSSCI
卷期 13:5
日期 200710
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學