

篇名 试析北京辅仁大学的办学特色及其历史启示
並列篇名 Academic Characteristics and Historical Importance of Peking Fu Jen University
作者 孙邦华
中文摘要 北京辅仁土学虽仅存27年,但它以富有特色的办学活动及培育出不少精英人才的显著成就,在中国现代高等教育史上写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。以中西文化的融会与贯通为宗旨,在教学方法上以注重培养学生的研究能力为目标,实行严进严出的教学管理,以精英人才为培养目标,在学术研究上强调”动国际而垂久远”等办学特色都是值得珍视的精神遗产,这对当前中国的高等教育管理、学风建设、学科发展、大学精神的弘扬、大学生人文素质的培育、学术发展等具有重要借鉴意义。
英文摘要 Despite its short history of only 27 years, Fu Jen University bore an imprint of success in the history of modern Chinese higher education. The University was distinguished fro its mission t mutually infuse and reinforce Chinese and Western culture, meritocratic education, research─oriented training, vigorous academic administration, and institutional goal of achieving world─class prestige and long─lasting impact. These Fu Jen traditions may serve as an important source of inspiration to present─day Chinese higher education, especially in terms of building the culture of institutional administration, academic disciplines, general education, and scholastic undertaking.
頁次 30-36
關鍵詞 historical importance academic characteristics Chen Yuan Peking Fu Jen University 历史启示 办学特色 陈垣 北京辅仁大学 CSSCI
卷期 27:4
日期 200608
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學