

篇名 成人学习者对远程教育教师的要求及素质认同 ─ 来自上海电视大学的调查报告
並列篇名 Competencies and Identify of Distance Instructors ─ A Survey at Shanghai TV University
作者 查文英 、李娟
中文摘要 远程教育教师的素质与远程教育的教学质量有着密切关系,关乎远程教育的可持续发展。目前国内外对远程教育教师素质的研究都是基于远程开放教育的教学特点展开的。本文综合已有研究成果,从学习者的视角就”电大学生心目中的好教师”这一主题开展大样本调查,主要包括基本职业素养、专业知识水平、教学方法和策略、教学评价与反馈,以及资源开发与技术应用五个方面。结果显示,大部分学习者认为电大教师这五个方面的素质比较全面;在认同程度方面,成人学习者非常认同教师应具备的教学方法和策略,胜过对教高学历学位的认同,不同分校在这方面的认同程度又存谁差异;对于教师”基本职业素质”的认同程度在统计意义上的差异并不显著,其它方面都显示有差异;学习者对教师的教学的技术应用方面存在不同程度的认同;学习者对教学生动性、实用性的期望值较高,并且渴望教师的充分理解以及与教师的沟通交流。
英文摘要 Distance instructors play an important role in educational quality assurance and sustainable development in distance education. At present, many studies on the competencies of distance instructors have been done according to distance educational characteristics, while this paper focused on learners’ views and carried out a large sample survey on the theme “Competencies of excellent teacher in your mind”.
On the basis of related literatures, the authors concluded five areas of distance instructors’ competencies as follows:basic professional knowledge, knowledge of professional disciplines, teaching methods, teaching evaluation, as well as resource development and application of technology. The sample of survey involved adult learners studying in Shanghai TV University and 17 branches.
The result has showed that the five areas of distance instructors’ competencies were identified, but different competencies have been identified on different degree. Adult learners have been very much agreeing with the teaching methods and strategies, rather than high degree qualification of teachers, however, the learners from different branches held different identification on this area. The result has presented that the identification degree on almost areas has significant differences in the statistical sense, except the area of basic professional knowledge. Besides, there also existed varying degrees of identification on the area of technology application. The study has presented that adult learners have had high expectations on vitality and practicality of teaching and have been desiring fully understanding and communication with teachers. Therefore, authors suggest that distance instructors pay more attention to investigating learners’ requirements and improving the teaching methods and technology applications accordingly.
頁次 116-121
關鍵詞 survey identify adult learners competency instructors 问卷调查 广播电视大学 成人学习者 素质 教师 CSSCI
卷期 14:6
日期 200812
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學