

篇名 語言在自然科教室內的意涵:一間後出教室內教學活動的記事
並列篇名 language    and Science Course: A Field Study of Students and TeacherTalk in an Elementary Science Classroom
作者 熊同鑫(Hsiung, Tung-hsing)
中文摘要 本文旨在呈現語言在學童自然科學習活動土的意竭。通過田野調查方法,研究者進入個索學校一雲鄉團小(化名),進行為期一年的教學活動觀察。觀察重點為:丘笠、土盟與企盤三名被標幟鳥語文能力較弱學童的土課畸形,及自然科教師的語辭表達。採用社會語言學及象徵互動論觀點,分析並詮釋學童語文能力與其上自然課時的表敏的意指,及探討教師語言對學童學習自然科時的可能于擾。研究結果頡示學童語文能力對其學習自然科有所影響,但此為充分但非絕對因素;學童社會化過程中,語言對其人際互動及自我認同的影響,對其自然科學習態度亦有影.響。此外,教師的語言與學童的語言,處在平行不交集層次中,會造成教師與學童社群意識的相左,影響學童學習科學的興趣,及科學概念不清的現象。針對研究發現,作者提出重視學童語言所表徵的社群意識,教師應營造班級社群共同體概念,消拜師生間溝通土的差距,以有效傅建科學知識與概念。
英文摘要 This paper addresses the issue of language and talking science in science education and elementary education. Based on the theories of symbolic interaction and sociolinguistics, this study intends to document two assumptions. The first one is student's performance in the science classroom is related to his language ability and social interaction. The second one is the words and the ways of teacher talking about science is related to students build their science concept and foster their science community identification.. Findings indicate that, first of all, language is the sufficient factor but not the absolute factor that may affect student's performance in the science classroom. However, the language may influence the student's community i吐entification, thus, for those labeled as low langt時e ability students, they do not like to show themselves in front a large group. The second of all is that if the conversation contents among the teacher an吐 students are appeared as two parallel lines then the students cannot build their science concepts.

This paper suggests that the elementary teachers should aware of the function of language in developing the community identification as well as asserts that the science educators should consider the issues of social implication of language use in science instruction.
頁次 1-36
關鍵詞 語言 社聽聽器 自然科 科聖賢數青 富農徵互動論 社會語言聖賢 language community identification elementary education science education symbolic interaction sociolinguistics TSSCI
卷期 9:1
日期 199806
刊名 臺東大學教育學報
出版單位 國立臺東大學