

篇名 从“对话”到“苏格拉底式的教育”的跃升——论存在主义观照下的教育
作者 沈俊强
中文摘要 存在主义哲学传入我国已经有较长的时段了,其对我国教育理论更新的影响还未被深入地考察。本文从柏拉图《理想国》一书中苏格拉底与司拉雪麦格(Thrasymachus)的一段对话入手,分析作为一种教育实践方式的“对话”,如何经由雅斯贝尔斯的存在主义哲学式的解读,跃升为“苏格拉底式的教育”。进而,以杜威的教育哲学为参照,对“苏格拉底式的教育”作更进一步的理解,力图展现存在主义哲学对教育理论发展提供的线索。
英文摘要 Existentialism as a tide of philosophy has being spread a rather long time in China, but its influence on education theory hasn’t been strictly and deeply reviewed. In this essay, by looking back to the dialogue between Socrates and Thrasymachus, which was describe in The Public by Plato, we could examine the leap from dialogue as a practical teaching way to the Socrates’ Education named by a great existentialist philosopher Karl Jaspers. Further, by enumerating the theory of Socrates’ Education with the John Dewey’s education philosophy, the significance of the existentialist’s education thoughts which will prompt the enrichment of education theory would manifest itself.
頁次 23-30
關鍵詞 Existentialism Socrates’ Education dialogue 存在主义 苏格拉底式的教育 对话 CSSCI
卷期 26:4
日期 200812
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學