

篇名 科技輔具與視多障學生學習成效研究
並列篇名 Using Assistive Technology Devices to Teach Two Students Whose Multiple Disabilities Including Visual Impairments in Regular Classroom Settings
作者 鄭靜瑩 、張千惠 、陳明聰 、趙敏泓
中文摘要 本研究以質性研究方式探究科技輔具對視多障學生參與普通班之學習成效。研究工具包括:「視覺掃瞄與搜尋能力評估表」、「學生班級參與能力檢核表」、「學生班級適應能力檢核表」、電腦輔助科技軟硬體與訪談題綱。研究者分別針對二位視多障併手部功能障礙學生進行評估、檢核與教學,並訪談其家長、班級教師及資源班教師。研究結果顯示,科技輔具的介入確實提昇二位研究對象的視覺掃瞄與搜尋能力,而此二項能力的提升對學生班級參與(參與繳交作業、課堂評量、參與之課堂數)方面有明顯助益。後續的追蹤觀察亦發現,學生的班級適應能力,活動參與度,自信心與同儕關係均有所改善。文末亦對輔具設計、研究方法、與未來的應用推廣提出具體建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of this research was to study the effect of assistive technology devices on the class participation of two students whose multiple disabilities including visual impairments in regular classroom settings. This is a qualitative study, and in-depth interviews were used to investigate the opinions of teachers and parents regarding the learning outcomes when assistive technology devices were used. In addition, the researchers also utilized three checklists to observe and evaluate students’ abilities in visual scanning and searching, class participation, and class adjustment. It was found that assistive technology devices (ATD) improved the students’ visual skills in visual scanning and searching. In addition, ATD helped the students to improve their performance on homework assignments and tests; it also improved their classroom participation, self-confidence, and peer relationships. Moreover, teachers and parents recognized that the improvement in students’ visual scanning and searching abilities would contribute to their participation in the class. Teachers also felt that the ATD intervention was useful for their teaching, curriculum design, homework correction, class management, and presentation of class material. Finally, suggestions for ATD design and the implication for future studies are provided.
頁次 107-130
關鍵詞 手部功能障礙 科技輔具 視多障學生 視覺掃瞄與搜尋能力 class participation in regular class settings assistive technology devices students with multiple disabilities visual scanning and searching skills TSSCI
卷期 53:1
日期 200804
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學