

篇名 國中學生偶像崇拜與自我概念﹑學業成就關係之研究
作者 張酒雄 、陳枝烈 、簡慶哲 、張淑美
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國中學生偶像崇拜與自我概念、學業成就之關係。研究樣本取自高雄市的漁業區、工業區、商業區、農業區,共七所學校八四○名學生為樣本;研究工具為「國中學生偶像崇拜與自我概念關係調查問卷」;資料則根據研究假設分別以百分比、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析加以理。主要的研究結果如下:1.就國中生偶像崇拜的類型而言:整體而言,國中學生所崇拜的偶像,以「影視明星」最多,但如以父親和母親的比例統合計之,則選父母親的比例稍高於影視明星;其崇拜的偶像類型,因性別、年級之不同而有差異。2.就國中生偶像崇拜的類型和其自我概念的關係而言:整體而言,國中生偶像崇拜的類型,除了家庭自我層面的自我概念有差異外,其餘層面並無差異;另,因性別、年級之不同,崇拜不同偶像之國中生,其自我概念也有差異。3.就國中學生偶像崇拜的類型和學業成績的關係而言:國中生以崇拜父親及影視明星者,其學業成績最低,顯著低於崇拜其他類型者。4.就國中學生家長之職業類型偶像崇拜類型的關係而言:國中學生的家長之職業為農、工、商者,以崇拜影視明星者最多,次為崇拜父親者;而家長職業為漁業者,以崇拜父親、母親為多。根據研究發現,本研究提出對家庭、學校、社會三方面在教育與輔導上的建議;另提出進一步研究建議數項。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among the model imitation, self-concept and school-work achievement of junior high school student.    Eight hundred and forty junior high school students were selected from seven junior high schools located in the areas of fishery, industry, commerce and agriculture. “Questionnaire of the Relationship Among Model Imitation Worship and Self-concept of Junior High School Student” was administered. Percentage, X-Square, One-Way ANOVA statistical techniques were employed to analyze the data obtained.    The main findings of the study were as follows:    1. The models which the junior high school student initate, in general, are movie and TV stars; however, the percentage of imitating father and mather is higher than that of movie and TV stars. The junior high school students with different sex, grade showed significant difference in the type of model imitation.    2. The junior high school students with different types of model imitation showed significant difference in self-concepts.    3. the junior high school students who imitate his/her parents had the lowest school-work achievement.    4. The junior high school students who live in different areas had different types of modeling: Students in the areas of agriculture, commerce and industry tend to imitate the movie and TV stars, in the area of fishery tend to imitate his/her parents.    Based on the findings, some implications of education and counseling in school, family, and society were presented. And some suggestions for further researches were provided.
頁次 261-322
卷期 10
日期 199305
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系