

篇名 从「规模效益」到「机会均等」:二战后美国推进城乡教育和谐发展的路径选择
並列篇名 From School-scale Theory to Equal Opportunity: Approaches to Balanced Development of Universal Education in Rural and Urban Areas in U.S.A after the World War Ⅱ
作者 王强
中文摘要 二战后,美国普及教育阶段的城乡差距和种族歧视依然严重。为了应对这一挑战,美国掀起了农村「学校合并」的运动高潮,大规模合并农村学校,重组学区,提升农村学校的「规模效益」、学术内涵和教育品质。20世纪60年代,在教育机会均等理论思潮的影响下,美国农村普及教育在价值取向上发生了转折,开始追求城乡各类学校学生的教育机会均等,从而步入「多元均等」的发展路径。
英文摘要 Huge gaps in universal education between rural and urban areas and the racial discrimination still remained after the World War Ⅱ in the United States. To deal with the challenges, the Rural School Consolidation Movement was expanded extensively nationwide. A large number of rural small schools were consolidated and school districts reorganized so as to improve the efficiency, academic feature and education quality of rural schools. In the 1960s, facilitated by the theory of equality of educational opportunity, the approaches for rural universal education was adjusted in pursuit of the equal opportunity instead of school uniformity. Rural universal education moved forward towards diversified tracks.
頁次 20-24
關鍵詞 农村教育 规模效益 教育机会均等 rural education school-scale theory equality of educational opportunity CSSCI
卷期 28:9
日期 200709
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所