

篇名 建立國民教育階段個別化教學模式的理論與實際
作者 林生傳
中文摘要 民國五十七年延長九年國民教育以後,原來初級中等教育階段教育由選擇的教育(selective education)已經演變成為未選擇的國中教育,機能分枝型的初級中等教育變户綜合型的國中教育。學生的個別差異,無論在程度上或性質方面均益形加劇,為適應學生個別差異,以恢宏國民教育功能,曾經試採若干措施,諸如能力分班(ability grouping),學科成就分班(subject achievement grouping),升學與就業分班、益智班、資源教室等。由於國小與中互相連貫,為九年國民教育,其功能相通,其課程一貫,因此在國小階段也相應採取若干措施以資肆應,其中最顯著者為特殊班級的成立,諸如肢體殘障班級、啟智班、資賦優異兒童教育的實驗。
英文摘要 This paper is attempted to develop Individualized Education Models for elementary junior middle schools in Taiwan. These models are based on theoretical construction and practical models which have been developed and implemented successfully in USA. Six chapters are included     Chapter I is an introduction, in which major strategies accepted in the past to deal with individual differences are reviewed with a comparison to those in USA.    Chapter II, from sociological and psychological perspectives, discusses urgent needs of individualized instruction in Taiwan and provides a strong ground for developing the models of individualized instruction     Chapter III describes the fundamental principles for individualized and constructs conceptual models for it.    Chapter IV analyzes theoretical framework for designing instructional system following the Individualized Education Models. Then, basing upon this framework, it introduces and anaiyzes major effective systems in USA.    Chapter V specifies the characteristics of junior middle school education and elementary education in Taiwan, and develops Individualized Education Models on the basis of the foundation formed in earlier chapters.    Chapter VI gives some suggestions for implementing this Individualized Education Models. Basically, it is much needed to reconstruct educational system for individualized education just like IGE System, so that an effective instructional design may followed the models. Tentatively, the models can be implemented initiatively in gifted classes which may possess the practical conditions needed in implementing the models. It is also hoped that the models can be tried in mathematics which is of much urgency to meet the different needs of individual students.
頁次 392-408
卷期 2
日期 198009
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系