

篇名 荀子與王充教育思想比較提要
作者 董承文
中文摘要 荀子與王充,都我國古代教育思想家,都是經驗主義者,都不承認先天知識,也同樣都主張天是自然,無知無意,不能賞善罰惡。    然而仔細研究,同中又有若干相異,就天而言,荀子言天有常道,王充進而言天地施氣而生萬物,唯施氣是自然作用。就政治言,均與主張賢能治國,均重視禮義,均將法律置於道德之後,但王充主張國家亦有「命」。就法先王言,荀子主張法先王中之後主,因為「古今一度」,王充且引伸發揮。就人生觀言,俱認為聖賢可學致,故應奮發努力。對情欲言,俱主張節導,而反對「寡」;但王充認人生之夭壽、貧、富、貴賤均有命,此與荀子「非相」主張,大異其趣。    就人性論言,荀子之主張,性雖惡、但可化;王充主張性有三品,亦均可化。就認識可能言,荀子認為積善成德,而聖心自得,王充認為結有不可解者。就知識之效驗論,俱重視實際實施與明確證據。就是非之判斷言,俱承認感官與心均有蔽,推理檢論之目的,去蔽而推廣知識;是故兩俱留意推理方法。    荀子與王充教育目的大致相同,唯王充將賢人(君子)區分為文人、通人與鴻儒。就教材言,同重經書,唯王充主張以子書正經。就教法言,重視良師益友,均重視環境積習,均強調專心一致。唯荀子曾言「特教」,詳細「言教」,而王充則論及「胎教」。    荀子與王充均長期受冷落,直到清朝民國,才漸受重視。從學術觀點,二人思想均有其貢獻。
英文摘要 Roth Hsun Tzu (荀子) and Wang Chung (王充) are ancient Chinese thinkers in education. They are also empiricists and do not accept the inherent knowledge. both of them advocate that Heaven is Nature without consciousness and intention, and can’t punish the evil and reward the good.    However, after detailed research, several differences are fond among the similarities. From their own viewpoint about Heaven, Hsun tzu said that Heaven has its own regular route; Wang Chung said that every creature is born by the breath of Heaven and Earth. Breathing is a natural effect. In politics, they both held views that a country should be governed by the talented and virtuous people, and propriety and justice should be emphasized first. Law is second to morality. However, Wang Chung also advocated that a country has its own destiny“. For emulating the ancient kings, the best way is to model after the latest of ancient kings, as Hsun Tzu said “Truth is always the same in all times”. Wang Chung made further extension and development. In view of life, they both believed that the talented and virtuous people can be nurtured through learning, so everyone should dedicate to learn. As to passion, they rejected “restraint” and appreciate moderate. However, quite different from Hsun Tzu’s “objection of fortune”, Wang Chung regarded that a man’s life is his own destiny.     In talking about human nature, Hsun Tzu’s opinion is that human nature is evil but changeable; while Wang Chung’s opinion is that there are three kinds of human nature, and all are changeable. Saying from the possibility of knowing Hsun Tzu recognizes that one can know everything without the help of exterior forces only by aggregating virtues day by day; while Wang Chung thought that not every problem can be easily solved. From their opinion the effect and testimony of knowledge, they both paid attention to the actual practice and pragmatic evidence. In their ideas about the judgement of right and wrong, they admitted that senses and mind can be concealed. The purpose of inference and examination is to get rid of being concealed and promote knowledge. so, they were cautious of the methods of inference.    Hsum Tzu’s and Wang Chung’s educational object are almost the same, besides that, Wang Chung classified the virtuous persons into men of letters, well-reads and men of great scholarship. Saying from teaching material, they both highly appraised the classic books, however, Wang Chung suggested that all classics identify philosophy. Saying from teaching methods, they both considered the importance of good teachers and beneficial friends, environment and habits, and put emphasis on concentration. Only that Hsun Tzu referred to “special education”, detailed “words education”, and Wang Chung referred to “pre-natal education”.
頁次 39-73
卷期 8
日期 198906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系