

篇名 教學直導化與學生學習成效的探討
作者 林生傳
中文摘要 本研究旨在了解國民中學自然科與社會科教學所表現的直導化教學色彩,並探討其與習成關係。隨機抽選高雄市三所國中二年級的所有61位物理科師與35位社會科教師衱其班級為研究對象。按分層隨機取樣抽選各班學生三至五人,計304位學生為樣本。位學生受三種測驗:(1)塔可曼教師式態測驗;(2)作者編訂的教學式態配合測驗;及(3)科學方法過程能力測驗。經用變異數分析,共變數分析,及多元迴歸統計分析,主要發現如下:    1.教學式態的差異確實存在    2.學生對直導教學的迎拒程度不因性別、智商高低別、所屬班段別而有明顯的差異。    3.教師教學的直導化與學生對直導教學態式的迎拒之配合情形有很大的變異性。    4.直導教學的運用在社會科未見普遍成效,對自然科則有負效果之虞。    5.直導教學的運用成效與學生智商高低有交互作用的可能;直導教學對低智力的學生有正面效果。    6.教師的直導教學式態與學生對此種式態的迎拒有交互作用,愈配合的成效愈佳,尤其在科學過程能力的增進方面。    7.以教學的直導性、直導性與智商的交互作用、師生對直導教學的配合為預測變項,能夠有力預測學生的學習成效至相當明顯程度;唯若先析離掉性別、智商、班段別之後,則此項預測的作用則極為有限。
英文摘要 This study was purported to investigate the directness of instruction and its correlation to students’ learning outcomes in junior high schools. all 61 teachers of 7th grade physics classes and 35 teachers of 7th grade geography classes in three of the junior high schools located in Kaohsiung city were the subjects .From each of those classes 3 to 5 students were drawn and totaled 304 as the sample.    the sampled students received three tests including Tuckman’s Pupil perception of learning Style , matching style test, and a process of science test .    the sampled students received three tests including Tuckman’s Pupil perception of learning Style , matching style test, and a process of science test .    The data collected were computed with SPSSpc. the major findings were summarized as follows:    1.Directness of instruction varied significantly with teacher, class level , as well as with school.    2.Students’ preference for the style of direct instruction was not differentiated with sex, IQ level , or class level.    3.In general, the direct instruction showed no positive effects on students’ learning outcomes .Unexpectedly, a potential negative-effect was detected for the physics class.    4.Directness interacts with student’s IQ level in bringing about its effects on academic outcomes in social studies. Direct instruction style tends to benefit the lower IQ students .    5.With DSC, DNA, ProA, ProB as the criterion variables ; the IQ , sex, class level , the directness of instruction , the preference of the style ,and the interactive effect of the directness with the relevant factors as the predictors, the predictors accounted for 30 percent to 46 percent of the variance (R ranged from .68 to .55). The hierarchical multipleregression analysis indicated that the portions contributed individually by the directness of the instruction and its interactive effects in addition to what the sex ,IQ , class level had explained away were not substantially important.
頁次 272-306
卷期 9
日期 199012
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系