

篇名 社會重構法與教育政策分析
並列篇名 Social Reconstruction and Educational Policy Analysis
作者 黃純敏(Huang, Chuen-min)
中文摘要 本文旨在探究社會重構法與教育政策分析間的關係及其在個案研究上的應用。社會重構法分析社會問題的步驟,首先是正確解讀問題然後予以重新脈絡化。教育政策分析的理性、組織、政治、符號、與規範觀提供多元的取向來分析教育政策。結合兩者的方法論基礎與分析技術可以擴大分析的視野,並提昇分析的品質。以獨尊國語的語言政策為例,國語推行運動不單只是語言與教育的問題,更多是政治、經濟、與社會的問題。弱勢語言的瀕臨減絕不是語言的無功能性或父母的無責任感,更多是社會的導向與國家的責任。
英文摘要 The major purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between the social reconstruction and educational policy analysis, and their applications on case study. Two key steps involve in using a social reconstruction to analyzing public social problems. The first one is to look at the rhetoric around the problem and to see how the problem is defined, what language is used, and what images are created. The second is to analyze the historical period in which the problems occurred in order to determine how they are related to other conflicts, stresses, changes, and difficulties. Five perspectives of policy analysis provide multiple examinations in policy analysis. They are rational, organizational, political, symbolic, and normative perspectives. The combination of theoretical background from the social reconstruction and technical method from policy analysis enlarges the view of analysis, and increases the quality of interpretation. The analyses of the case of Mandarin-only policy provide the explanations that the Mandarin promotion movement was not simply a linguistic or educational problem, but more political, economic, and social problems. The disappearing of minority languages is not only the issues of linguistic functionlessness or parental irresponsibility, but more is the responsibility of the society and government.
頁次 1-12
關鍵詞 社會重構法 教育政策分析 Social re-construction Educational policy analysis
卷期 1:2
日期 199808
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所