

篇名 美国医师执照考试现况及其发展趋势
並列篇名 The Current Status and Developing Trend of the United States Medical Licensing Examination
作者 万学 、维张鸣 编译
中文摘要 本文介绍了作为美国医师执照考试主要组织机构的美国医学考试委员会的使命、组织结构与工作机制,美国医学执照考试的发展过程和主要经验,目前美国医师考试的形式与内容,美国医师执照考试制度与医学教育制度的关系,并介绍了美国医学考试委员会在业务拓展和技术开发方面的重点和未来发展趋势。
英文摘要 An overview of the National Board of Medical Examiners was presented by Dr. Donald E. Melnick, the president of NBME, in the 2nd Seminar on National Medical Licensing Examination of China. The mission, structure, and working mechanism of the NBME and the United States Medical Licensing Examination Committees were introduced briefly. The pattern and contents of USMLE were described more details. There are very closed relationship between the medical education and the licensing examination. The NBME has emphasized the future developing strategies.
頁次 79-81
關鍵詞 医师 执照考试 医学教育 评价 美国 physician licensing examination medical education evaluate United States CSSCI
卷期 1:1
日期 200301
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學