

篇名 走向學校本位的教師專業發展:問題與思路
並列篇名 Issues and Thoughts on School-based Teachers’ Professional Development
作者 胡惠閔
中文摘要 新一轮以提高教育质量为核心的教育改革促使人们越来越关注教师专业发展问题,为此,世界各国政府和教师组织进行了大量的探索实践。但随着研究的深入,人们认识到,除了依靠政府的力量促进教师专业发展之外,教师任职的学校应该承担更重要的职责,学校应当成为教师专业发展的基地。本文认为,从学校管理的角度,立足学校促进教师专业发展的实践思路有:形成共同的价值观念体系;通过制度范围改变教师行为;形成促使教师自我发展的习俗。
英文摘要 The new educational reform on improving educational quality urges people to pay more attention to the issues of teachers’ professional development. Therefore, much research has been done by the governments and teachers’ organizations all over the world. However, with the advancement of research, people realize that the school where teachers work should be more responsible for teachers’ professional development, and become the base of teachers’ professional development besides the efforts made by the government. From the point of the view of school administration, the article conceive that there are several practical thought which accelerate school-based teacher processional development, such as shaping common system of value and conception, and altering teachers’ behavior through laws and criterions, and forming the custom spurring teacher self-develop.
頁次 51-55
關鍵詞 practical thoughts issues teachers’ professional development school-based 實踐思路 問題 教師專業發展 學校本位 CSSCI
卷期 13:3
日期 200706
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學