

篇名 论大学办学特色
並列篇名 The Character of University Governance
作者 李化树
中文摘要 大学办学要走特色发展之余。一所大学的特色,是其历史文化沈淀与现实实践共同作用的结果,具有鲜明的个性、基础性和发展性等特点。大学特色的形成是一个长期渐进的过程,大学的历史传统、治校者、教师、学生、发展理念等起最重要、最直接作用。大学办学特色涵括办学思想特色、目标定位特色、学科专业特色、发展环境特色。大学办学特色的创建,基本思路是弘扬学校传统,升学办学理念;定位发展目标,明确发展思路;强化学科建设,优化院系结构;重视科学研究,增强社会服务。
英文摘要 It is desirable for the style of university governance to be unique and innovative. The character of a university is formed by both its history and current practice, hence it is unique, intrinsic, and prone to development. It takes a long time for a university to cultivate its character, during which traditions, leaders, academics, students, and development strategies are among the most important and influential factors. The Character of university governance embraces an institution’s overall strategy, missions, goals, curricula, programme structure, and development environment. The basic principles to develop these characters involve;extending institutional traditions and innovating the idea of governance and management, clarifying development goals and implementation strategies, strengthening academic programmes and optimizing organizational structure, focusing on research and enhancing service to society.
頁次 75-83
關鍵詞 character of university governance university 创建 办学特色 大学 CSSCI
卷期 27:2
日期 200604
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學