

篇名 NCLB與美國教育政策研究機構發展──以范德堡大學國家擇校研究中心為例
並列篇名 NCLB and the Development of Institutes for Research on Education Policy in the U.S.
作者 田凌輝 、陳粵秀
中文摘要 不让一个孩子掉队(NCLB),作为引导美国基础教育改革的重要政策,其推行催生和带动了美国教育政策研究机构的发展。本文以首期成立的范德堡大学国家择校研究中心为例,尝试探讨教育改革与教育政策研究机构之间的互动关系。文章从拨款与问责、组织形式、组织职能和研究绩效等方面分析了其运作机制,认为竞争性的资助政策、严格的问责制度、多元机构的跨学科研究合作,是教育改革和教育政策研究机构良性互动的制度基础。
英文摘要 No Child Left Behind(abbreviated as NCLB), an important policy for American primary and secondary education reform, accelerated the development of institutes for research on education policy at the national level. National Center on School Choice(abbreviated as NCLB)was founded under the National Research and Development Program and sponsored by U.S Department of Education for doing research on how school choice affects individuals, communities, and systems. This essay takes the NCSC as a case to explore the interaction between educational reform and the research center of educational policy through analyzing its operating mechanism which includes the funding system and accountability, the collaboration of the research community, and the research performance. The authors find that the competitive grant policy, the rigorous accountability system, and the multi-disciplinary research collaboration are the institutional basis of the positive interaction between educational reform and educational policy study center.
頁次 084-087
關鍵詞 NCLB 教育政策 政策研究 NCLB Educational policy Policy study CSSCI
卷期 7:2
日期 200902
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學