

篇名 先秦”师”概念的发展及其教育意涵的获得
並列篇名 Development of the Concept of “Shi” from Pre ─ Qin Dynasty and the Acquisition of Its Education Meaning
作者 王伦信
中文摘要 从”师”的字源,”师”的群体构成及”师”的教育意涵的获得等方面对我国先秦时期”师”的概念的发展脉胳进行了初歩梳理。认为”师”从原来的军旅之义引申表示军事长官,西周以后又泛化到擅长乐舞的”乐师”群体和各种器物制造行业中因技术较高而被任命为主管的”工师”群体。当这些被称为”师”的群体兼职教育、大量从事教学活动之后,”师”逐渐积累了教事喻德的教育者意涵,最后”师”的主要义项也转移到指称教书育人的教育者。
英文摘要 Based on such aspects as the source of the character ‘Shi”, composition of “Shi” and acquisition of the education meaning of “Shi”, this paper makes a preliminary summary for the development of the concept of “Shi” since Pre─Qin Dynasty. At the very beginning, “Shi” referred to the commanding officers in the troops. After West Zhou Dynasty, “Shi” was generally defined as “musicians” who were good at dance and music as well as “chief skilled workers” in various manufacturing industries. As these “Shi” groups were engaged in teaching, “Shi” was gradually endowed with the meaning of educators. Finally, the major interpretation of “Shi” was transferred to the meaning as the teachers who impart knowledge and educate people.
頁次 55-59
關鍵詞 teacher chief skilled worker musician commanding officer Pre─Qin Dynasty 教师 工师 乐师 军官 先秦 CSSCI
卷期 19:4
日期 200707
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心