

篇名 高校風險管理:來自英國認識與實踐
並列篇名 Risk Management in Higher Education Institutions──Theory and Practice from the United Kingdom
作者 熊德明 、王建梁
中文摘要 面对来自外部和内部的大量风险,为了提高办学效率,确保高校目标达成,英国高等教育基金委员会在高校管理中积极推行风险管理,采取治理机构的有效参与、准确界定风险容忍度、合理配置资源、科学辨识评估风险、积极处置面临的风险、规范风险报告和渗透风险管理等策略来实施高校风险管理。
英文摘要 In order to tackle a large number of external and internal risks, improve efficiency and ensure attaining the goals of higher education institutions(HEIs), Higher Education Funding Council for England(HEFCE)has implemented risk management in HEIs. The strategies involve effective participation of the governing institutions, accurate definition on risk tolerance, rational allocation of resources, scientific identification and assessment about risks, active risk treatment, standardization of risk reports and infiltration of risk management.
頁次 108-112
關鍵詞 risk management risk higher education institution 風險管理 風險 高校 CSSCI
卷期 29:3
日期 200806
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學