

篇名 學習障礙、情緒行為異常、與智能障礙學生間隔三年智力分數改變之統合分析研究
並列篇名 Meta-Analysis of the Pattern of Change in IQ Scores over a Three- Year Period for Exceptional Children with LD, EBD, and MR
作者 陳心怡 、朱建軍( Frances Frey)
中文摘要 本研究目的在分析特殊兒童間隔三年後再測智力分數之變化模式,並探討相關影響因素。研究者根據1980 年代後發表文獻內,共三十九組使用WISC-R 或WISC-III 為工具之特殊兒童智力再測樣本,以統合分析進行量化統整。主要研究發現如下:(1)間隔三年後,特殊學生智力表現的確有顯著變化;(2)智力再測分數之改變模式(方向與差異程度)依學生障礙類別而有不同,其中學障(LD)和智障(MR)學生的語文智商有下降趨勢,而學障與情緒行為異常(EBD)學生之作業智商則顯著上升;(3)學障兒童智力分數改變程度受到學生年齡、起始能力、再測間隔時間、以及測驗新舊版本等中介變項影響。文中並對未來研究方向提出建議與討論。
英文摘要 The techniques of meta-analysis were used to arrive at a quantitative synthesis of the results of 39 samples, based on the retesting of exceptional children using the WISC-R or WISC-III over an average time interval of three years. The primary findings indicated that IQ scores do change over time, and that the patterns of change for FSIQ, VIQ, and PIQ vary as a function of disability group. On average, children with LD and MR scored 2 points lower on retested VIQ, while retested PIQ increases significantly for LD and EBD children. Moreover, several factors including age, ability level, retest interval, and test version were found to be meaningful moderating factors which affect the variability of effect sizes for learning-disabled children. Further implications were also discussed.
頁次 115-133
關鍵詞 特殊兒童 統合分析 再測 魏氏兒童智力量表 exceptional children meta-analysis retesting WISC-III WISC-R TSSCI
卷期 52:2
日期 200708
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學