

篇名 我國大學本科教育的規劃與檢討
作者 邱兆偉
中文摘要 本文係利用行政院歷次人力發展計畫、國家建設科技人力推估、科技發展方案、以及教育部核定的歷年大學聯招各系組新生名額清冊,進行檔案資料分析。其研究的主要目的,在檢討大學聯招新生名額之核定,是否符合政府人力規劃的方針與推計。    本研究的主要結果,共有三項:(一)科技類的系組所以佔優先發展之地位,以致人文、法律、教育受到抑礙,是人力規劃的結果。(二)歷次人力發展計畫顯示,工程、理科、醫事、商業等類之大學程度人力需求,有逐年擴增之趨勢,而且反映於大學聯招新生名額之規劃。但是,大學聯招甲組、丙組的許多科技系組之新生名額,與民國七十年代的人力資源之需求,並不能相互吻合。(三)六十九年至七十二學年度期間大學聯招以增設新系組或擴大名額的方式,每年增多人文系組的招生名額三百人之譜,卻與客觀需求無關。    根據以上的結果,筆者提出改進大學教育規劃之建議,共有五項:(一)人力需求之規劃或推計應朝向系組層次發展,以便大學聯招新生名額之核定,具有客觀的基礎。(二)為因應未來國家建設的科技人力需求,應擴增具有發展潛力的科技系組之招生名額,而縮減缺乏發展潛力的系組之招生名額。(三)鼓勵學生在發展潛力較大的科技系組中選習輔修課程。(四)人文及社會科學應謀求供需的平衡及適才適用。(五)鼓勵科技系組的學生,選取人文或社會科學之一個學域,作為其輔修。
英文摘要 This paper is a documentary analysis of the Plans for Manpower Development, the Projections of Scientific-Technological Development, and the Approved Places in Undergraduate Joint Entrance Examinations. The Principal purpose of this study is to investigate the discrepancies between actual undergraduate places and projected manpower needs.    The main findings secured from the study are stated as follows.    1. There is an apparent trend for undergraduate places approved by the Ministry of education. Expansion in scientific-technological fields has been accompanied with shrinkage in humanities, law and education. This is complied with the projections of manpower needs.    2. Projections of manpower needs also are reflected in gradual and continuing growth in the fields of engineering, sciences, medicine and commerce.    3. During a recent period of 1980-83, annual increments of about 300 places in humanities have been approved for unspecified reasons.    Based upon the findings cited, the writer proposes five suggestions for planning and programming for undergraduate education for Taiwan Area, Republic of China. These are stated as follows.    1. Manpower projections for undergraduate education should be broken into more specific categories rather than broad areas. The projections in more specific categories may provide more accurate information.    2. Places in some categories should be increased with acceleration because of their great potential opportunities in employment. However, places in some other categories should be curtailed because of their less potential opportunities in employment.    3. Minor programs in some scientific-technological fields should be established for the purpose of enhancing future job opportunities for undergraduate students.    4. Efforts should be made in order to balance the manpower supplies and needs in the fields of humanities and social sciences.    5. For the convenience of receiving a good all-round undergraduate education, the students in scientific-technological fields should be inspired to take, for their minor programs, some courses in humanities or social sciences.
頁次 133-154
卷期 5
日期 198402
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系