

篇名 1997臺灣地區教育政策與實施成效調查
並列篇名 1997 Survey of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Eductional Policy and Its Effectiveness of Implementation in Taiwan
作者 張鈿富(Chang, Dianfu)
中文摘要 本調查的目的在反映台灣地區民眾對當前主要教育政策的意見,以及對當前主要教育政策實施成效的看法。調查環繞在三個主題上,分別是「當前主要教育政策的看法」、「教育實施成效的認知」以及「當前中小學面臨的主要教育問題」。調查是以電話訪問的方式進行,樣本的選取系統的抽樣方式,以一般家庭使用的電話簿為本,就各縣市的人口比率抽足600名電話訪問的樣本。一共進行了18個主要的教育政策相關問題之統計與分析,結果將呈現在「教育政策論壇」期刊的網址上,以供閱覽。
英文摘要 The purposes of this survey are reflected on the public’s attitudes toward the current educational policies and their effectiveness of implementation in Taiwan. The main topics of this survey include the public’s attitudes toward the current educational policy, the public knowledge about the policy implementation, and the current problems suffering in the elementary and secondary schools. Using the telephone interview techniques, the researchers interview 600 individuals in 23 cities and counties in Taiwan. The 18 questions in this survey covered the main educational policies have been analyzed by statistics. And the final report will be posted in the Educational Policy Forum in the homepage in the Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration.
頁次 1-23
卷期 1:1
日期 199802
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所