

篇名 垃圾桶模式在我國教育決策分析上的應用
並列篇名 Garbage Can Model and Its Application in Analyzing Taiwan's Educational Policies
作者 江芳盛(Chiang, Fang-shen)
中文摘要 本文旨在介紹垃圾桶模式(Garbage Can Model),並利用此一模式的主要論點來分析我國的一些教育決策。文章首先依照理性到非理性的順序,簡單介紹行政決策的理論模式。其次討論垃圾桶模式所說「無政府狀態」組織(organized anarchy)的三個特徵及其非理性的決策過程。「無政府狀態」組織的三個特徵為:目標模糊(problematic preferences)、對如何達成目標的方法不甚清楚(unclear technology)、流動性參與(fluid participation)。垃圾桶模式認為,具有上述三項特徵的組織,其決策常決定於四股力量(streams),這四股力量分別是問題(problems)、解決方案(solutions)、參與人員(participants)、和決策的機會(opportunities)。文末並以對我國教育決策的反省做為結語。
英文摘要 This paper introduces the Garbage Can Model and uses the model to analyze some of Taiwan’s educational policies and to examine some of its decision-making processes. The paper first briefly discusses three decision-making models on the basis of their degrees of rationality. Second, it describes the three major characteristics of an “organized anarchy, “ which is the target organization the model intends to study, and the four streams for making a decision in such an organization. The three characteristics are problematic preferences, unclear technology, and fluid participation. The four streams are problems, solutions, participants, and opportunities. Finally, a reflection on educational policy making in Taiwan is presented at the end of this paper.
頁次 13-25
關鍵詞 垃圾桶模式 決策 教育政策 Garbage can model Decision-making Educational policy TSSCI
卷期 1:2
日期 199808
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所