

篇名 臺灣高等教育評鑑制度的實務探究
並列篇名 An Empirical Study on the Evaluation System for Higher Education in Taiwan
作者 湯堯(Tang, Yao)
中文摘要 近年來,高等教育評鑑事務已成為顯學,尤其隨著結合認可制與退場機制,我們可以感受透過評鑑機制的啟動,達到追求更高的高等教育品質,本文即是從該角度進行論述,並輔以提問與回應方式,進行對現階段國內高等教育評鑑制度的交互評論,期望能更加落實評鑑制度,以提升教育品質。
英文摘要 With the combination of accreditation and exiting mechanism, the evaluation of the higher education has gained its popularity these years. We witness ourselves the consequence of the start-up of the evaluation system, which is aimed at pursuing a good quality of our higher education. From this angle, this treatise initiates a series of intra-commentary on the present domestic evaluation systems of the higher education in Taiwan. In dialogue with one another, we are looking forward to the improvement of the quality of the present-existed educational system.
The central value and purpose of the organization should be clearly examined in the process of evaluation, which may bring up collective consensus among the faculty members of the entire organization and speed up the implementation of an effective strategy – to usher in a promising future for our universities and colleges. Therefore, one of the positive functionalities of evaluation of evaluation is to boost and coagulate morale of the entire staff members. Most of all, the top brass of the school with such perceptions and attitudes towards external circumstances is highly constructive in the formation of a well-organized college community via a string of evaluations. Put it in another words, the practice of evaluation can enrich the administration function and further, transform the organizational vision.
From the outset, this essay intends to probe the differentiation of the ways of evaluation adopted in Taiwan by the existing universities and colleges and those in the mainstream universities around the world. Do they have their irreplaceable uniqueness? Then this further the question about the issue that for the agencies involved what is the most tough stuff in dealing with college evaluation and how do the leader of our universities think of the evaluation system. In the meantime, what are the frequent occurred technical imperfections in the introduction of such an evaluation system for the higher education remains our major concerns. Is the length of evaluation adequate? In sum up, the essay concludes with the question that what are the resulting benefits sprang from the evaluation system for universities and colleges in the long run.
頁次 1-17
關鍵詞 高等教育 評鑑制度 實務探究 Empirical study Evaluation system Higher education TSSCI
卷期 10:4
日期 200711
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所