

篇名 企業型大學之發展趨勢、待解決問題與對高等教育經營管理的啟示
並列篇名 Developmental Trends and Problems of the Entrepreneurial University and the Implications for Higher Education Management
作者 張媛甯(Chang, Yuan-ning)
中文摘要 在全球化、資訊科技革新及知識經濟等的衝擊下,大學遭逢前所未有的挑戰。社會大眾對高等教育的需求及利害關係人對績效責任的要求日益增加,大學的回應能力明顯不足,必須改變其角色與功能,尋求轉型以適應快速變遷的外部環境,故研究何種類型的大學能增進其生存與變革的能力是一個值得探究的問題。
企業型大學是現今歐美各國高等教育研究關切的議題,但台灣在此方面的文獻卻付之闕如。故本文首先闡明現今大學所面對的挑戰與機會,再透過對Clark的「大學轉型路徑」及Etzkowitz 的「三螺旋」等有關企業型大學的理論與實務之文獻分析及比較,來探討企業型大學的發展趨勢,並分析其忽略面向與待解決問題,進而提出對高等教育經營管理的啟示以供參考。
英文摘要 Under the impacts of globalization, the innovation of information technology, and knowledge-based economy, the modern universities confront huge challenges. Since the public needs more accesses to higher education, and the stakeholders demand more accountability, the response capacities of university are obviously insufficient. The universities must change their roles and functions to adapt the changing environment, so what type of organization could capacitate the university to survive and to innovate is a question worthy research. Entrepreneurial university is a major concern for higher education research in modern America and Europe, but there is little research report in Taiwan. In this paper, the author firstly defined the challenges and opportunities that the university faces. Secondly, according to the analyses and comparisons of Clark’s ‘University Transformation Pathways’ and Etzkowitz’s ‘Triple Helix’, the author analysed developmental trends, and neglected dimensions and operational problems of entrepreneurial university. In the end, this paper proposes the implications for higher education management for reference.
頁次 77-100
關鍵詞 三螺旋 大學轉型路徑 企業型大學 Entrepreneurial university Triple helix University transformation pathways TSSCI
卷期 9:4
日期 200611
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所